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January 18, 2017
Garden With Small Stone Pebbles
August 29, 2017

I love fountains in the garden. Garden décor is not only one of the more fun aspects of landscape design, it can set the whole mood of your garden. A fountain can be a pivotal focal point. It will add the refreshing sound of water on hot summer days and can define a style theme. You can either slot it into the overall garden area to accent a special spot, or you can find a fountain you love and design your garden around it.



Don’t think you can’t have a fountain because you don’t have a lot space. There are all shapes and forms of fountains made of diverse materials that will fit on a tabletop as well as backyard, outdoor place , roof & inside home. Not only can these decorate a small outdoor space, but the right  fountain can find its way into a home, a small  or large apartment, or hang out with you on your desk top at work where the gentle cascade of water will help neutralize daily stress.

garden fountain will draw the eye wherever you place it. Make it large for a bold statement and build seating around it or nearby. Or make it more gentle as an accompaniment to a dining area. Set a wall fountain against a dull wall to transform it into a piece of fine art. Integrate a fountain into a potted garden, a balcony or a patio where space is premium .

Fountains are both visual and audio. The sound of cascading water can calm nerves, wash away tension and even create white sound that will distract from neighboring noises – a great way to counter outdoor noise pollution that may be beyond your control.
Choose a garden fountain that blends with the style or theme of either your house or your garden — preferably both. Make sure your fountain is the right size; too big a fountain can look overpowering and oppressive while one that is too small might be overwhelmed by the rest of the landscape.

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